Year: 2020
Client: GC Rieber
Area: xxxxxxx m2
I 1855 kom de moderne tider til Solheimsviken: Michael Krohn etablerte Bergens Mekaniske Verksted for å bygge dampskip av jern. Inntil da var treskipene dominerende på de syv hav. Etter at skipsverftet i Solheimsviken ble avviklet i 1991 har GC Rieber AS videreutviklet området til næringspark.
I 2020 bygges det nye Skipet kontorbygg med konstruksjoner av tre.
Skipet blir sertifisert BREEAM EXELLENT – verdens ledende sertifisering for vurdering av bærekraftighet.
CLT (Cross Laminated Timber – Massivtre) teknologi bidrar til å redusere karbonutslippene i byggenæringen. Dette gjør Skipet enda mer bærekraftig.
Anerkjent og utgitt av Nordisk Ministerråd i publiseringen: “Wood in Construction: 25 Cases of Nordic Good Practice, Copenhagen, 2019. Blant annet også publisert i “A-MAGASINET”, 2019
Paal J Kahrs Arkitekter AS + Holon Arkitektur for GC Rieber Eiendom
The Crane
Year: 2004
Client: Solheimsviken næringspark
Location: Bergen, Norway

Bergen Mechanical Workshop (BMV) was established in Solheimsviken in 1855. From mid-1860 until 1985, 317 ships were built and delivered from the shipyard. In the 1960s, BMV was Bergen’s largest workplace with more than 1200 employees. The shipyard operations in Solheimsviken were discontinued in 1991. By transforming the area into the business park that can provide far more jobs than there was at the shipyard, GC Rieber, the owner and the developer of the area, have always emphasized the importance of bringing the story from the past further to our time.
The crane serves as a memorial from the older times and was built as a symbol of the shipyard activity that took place in Solheimsviken.
The building consists of a “plinth building” and the crane above which is built according to the drawings from the original cranes in the yard area.
The base of the crane houses the renowned restaurant “Colonialen i Kranen”.
Upstairs is a meeting room made available for casual use by several businesses in the area.